Miles Perret Cancer Services

Board Login

Please Reset Your Password
Dear Board Members, Our website recently migrated to a new server which requires you to reset your password. Please click reset and instructions will be sent to the email you would use to normally log in. Pleae note that we now require you to log in with your e-mail address, rather than a username.


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Thank you to our presenting sponsors for our events!

  • Louisiana Scrap Metal photo
    Moody Company photo
    Norris photo
    Ochsner Cancer Center of Acadiana photo
    Park Place photo
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Find Us

2130 Kaliste Saloom Road
Lafayette , LA 70508

Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

Contact Us

337-984-1920 phone

337-984-1921 fax

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