Miles Perret Cancer Services

Giving Tree

The Giving Tree is an annual program that offers help to families during the Christmas season. The program is offered to children and/or siblings (18 or younger living at home) of an active MPCS client.

In our office, we have a Christmas tree filled with ornaments which feature a child's wish, age, and gender on it. Generous individuals, families, or groups in the community pull one or more ornaments from our Giving Tree. They shop for items and return unwrapped gifts to our office. (All wishes/gifts should be within the $35 limit.)

Thank you to our presenting sponsors for our events!

  • Louisiana Scrap Metal photo
    Moody Company photo
    Norris photo
    Ochsner Cancer Center of Acadiana photo
    Park Place photo
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Find Us

2130 Kaliste Saloom Road
Lafayette , LA 70508

Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

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337-984-1920 phone

337-984-1921 fax

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